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Amateur Radio Manufacturers

Name Description E-mail
A-D Technologies- Inc...Repeater Controllers, Antenna Pattern Surveys.
A1 Custom Mugs Inc.Custom, eleven ounce, white ceramic coffee mugs.
A1 Custom Mugs/Greeting CardsPhoto Coffee Mugs w/Ham CallTom Taylor
AAE BANDMASTERAll-fiberglass cubical quad antenna systems
AB5CK DopplersHigh quality Doppler PC Boards
ADIMobile transceivers and handhelds with the latest features. Also sells family radio unitsdon't know
Advanced Battery SystemsBatteries
AEA Data Product LineAEA PK-12, PK-96 TNCs in Production at Timewave!
AGAYONReceiver and transmitter for Amateur Radio Direction Finding
Agrelo EngineeringElectronic Analog Voice Recorders
AKDTransceivers Filters
Alinco Electronics Inc.Handheld Radios Mobile Radios Accessories
Almost All Digital ElectronicsHobby kits, assembled units and software for electronics hobbyists, engineers and radio amateurs.
Aluma Tower Company- Inc.Aluminum towers.
Ameritron Inc.Linear RF amplifiers
Angle LinearPreamplifiers, receiver front end filtering and receiver multi-couplers
Antenna SpecialistsLand mobile antennas, cellular antennas, and accessories.
ANTENNAS WESTAntennas, and Solar power systems
antenneXThe magazine all about antennas.
Artsci PublishingBooks and other publications for the amateur radio and electronic market.
AVVidDallas, TX -Service for Kenwood and Icom Amateur Radio Equipment
AWTTaiwan -Amateur RF amplifiers, Paging systems, Wireless microphones, Cellular repeaters, & Radio Modems.
BandhopperClancy, MT -Mobile/portable/fixed antenna.
BMG EngineeringTemple City, CA-Radio direction finding equipment.
Buckmaster Publishing Mineral, VA-Callsign lookup on CD-ROM
CAIG Laboratories- Inc.San Diego, CA -Manufacturer of specialized chemicals, applicators & soldering products.
Camellia Trophy ShopPlaques and Engraving for Amateur Radio Operators
CAPManFarwell, TX -HF Propagation Prediction & System Analysis Software.
Casper CreekAmateur Radio Belt Buckle - Ham Radio Call Sign BucklesTyson Comer
Catwin 95Barcelona, Spain -Software developed in Spain to control all ICOM Radios.
CODE QUICKPalm Desert, CA -Code learning program on cassette tapes and cards.
CombiTechRockanje, Holland -MSCAN, multi-tasking SSTV & Fax program
Comer Communications- Inc.San Marcos, CA -DSP 100 HF (Short Wave) ISA receiver and exciter card.
Comm. Analysis Prediction Wizard* Farwell, TX -Propagation program
Computer Automation Technology- Inc.Fort Lauderdale, FL -Amateur radio repeater controller products and accessories.
Connect SystemsVentura, CA -Telephone Interconnects and Repeater Controllers.
CPI Eimac DivisionQuality world-class manufacturer of power grid tubes
CQ Magazine* Hicksville, NY -CQ Magazine
Cubex Quad Antenna Co.Brea, CA -Cubical quad antennas.
Cushcraft Manchester, NH -Antennas
D & L Antenna Supply Co.Kansas City, KS -Retail store and mail order.
Davis RF Co.Carlisle, MA -Wire & Cable Supplier & Designer; Dacron Rope, DSP & Rf Noise Filters, etc.
Decade EngineeringTurner, OR -Video products
Decibel ProductsDallas, TX -Base station antenna systems.
DF SystemsRoanoke Doppler DF Kit -Electronic Surplus Handy Finder Kits.
Digital Communications, Inc.White City, SK, Canada -Bandpass filters.
Down East Microwave Inc.Frenchtown, NJ -Amateur Radio Equipment for 50 MHz and Above
DX Hound* Salem, NH -Log and record books.
DXtreme SoftwareLogging software
Dynamic Electronics- Inc.Hartselle, AL -Morse Code Computer Interfaces Multiband Dipole Antennas for HF and VHF
Elk AntennasPortable Log Periodic AntennasJim Siemons AF6PU
Embedded ResearchRochester, NY -Message Memory Keyer Kit Argosy CW Audio Filter Kit
FF SystemsRolla, MO -Repeater controller products and accessories.
FordahlBienne, Switzerland -Frequency Control Products
Fuentez Systems Concepts- Inc. North Charleston, SC -HF Skywave Propagation Prediction Software
G.G.T.E.Newport Beach, CA -Software for Amateur Radio.
Gamber JohnsonStevens Point, WI -Mobile communications mounting equipment.
Gem Quad ProductsCubical quad antennas.
GenesysSan Antonio, TX -Radio transceiver accessories for Amateur Radio and Commercial Wireless communications.
GeoclockShareware program -GeoClock shows the current time (based on your computer's clock) with a high quality map of the earth.
HAL COMMUNICATIONS CORP.Urbana, IL -HF radio data communications products
Ham Radio ApparelSeverna Park, MD -Hats and Jackets
Ham Radio RepairAddress unknown -Amateur radio equipment repair.
Ham UniversityCode learning program.
Ham View Products by PDK Inc.Dunstable, MA -Amateur Radio software
HamStuff by W7NNQSL Filings systems, QslKit, Keyboard OverlaysRon Hill
HamtronicsHilton, NY -VHF and UHF Kits, Repeaters, Receivers and Transmitters
HFxSanta Monica, CA -High-frequency (HF) propagation prediction application for the ham radio user.
High Sierra AntennasNevada City, CA -All-band hf mobile antennas.
Hy-Gain Antennas* Lincoln, NE -Antennas
HyperSoftCumming, GA -Amateur Radio Logging program
Icom (UK) LtdHerne Bay, Kent, UK -Amateur, avionic, land mobile and marine radio equipment.
ICOM AmericaBellevue, WA -Amateur, avionic, land mobile and marine radio equipment.
ICOM Japan* Osaka, Japan -Amateur, avionic, land mobile and marine radio equipment.
IIX EQUIPMENT LTD.Hometown, IL -Welded Steel Products
Inac- Electronica para radioaficionadosZaragoza, ESPAŅA -RTTY-CW Decoder, Digital frecuency counter, Antennas, Power supplies
Jade Products Inc.East Hampstead, NH -Electronic kits and antennas.
JBRO Batteries Batteries
JPS Communications, Inc.Raleigh, NC -Amateur Radio equipment, Government/Commercial communications equipment, and Land Mobile Radio communications enhancement equipment.
Kachina CommunicationsCottonwood, AZ -HF/SSB radio communication products
KAMKO QSL CardsBurbank, CA -QSL Cards
Kanga Products UKKent, UK -QRP kits
Kanga Products USFindlay, OH -QRP kits
Kantronics Co.- Inc.Lawrence, KS -Terminal Node Controllers
KAWA ProductionsWeymouth, MA -Morse Code Music cassette tape
KaWinWindows program to support KantronicsŪ TNCs in Host Mode.
KC4ZGL HAM SoftwareMarietta, GA -Software for the Amateur Radio & SWL Enthusiast.
Kendecom Inc.commercial and amateur repeaters, transmitters, and receiversStevan Shapiro
KentrolWindows control program for Kenwood HF transceivers and the R-5000 receiver, providing built-in logging and memory management capabilities.
Kenwood Communications Corp.Long Beach, CA -Amateur communications equipment.
Kenwood Electronics Italia S.p.A.Milano, Italy -Amateur communications equipment.
Lan-LinkPersonal Packet Terminal Program
Larsen ElectronicsVancouver, WA -Antennas.
LDG ElectronicsSt. Leonard, MD -Amateur Radio 68HC11 Based Products.Dwayne
Link CommunicationsSidney, MT -Repeater and linking control systems.
Logic LimitedConnelly Springs, NC -Atmospheric Anomaly Indicator, Detects & Logs Atmospheric or Artificial Events.
LogSat Professional for WindowsOrlando, FL -Satellite tracking software for Windows.
LZ Engineering & ManufacturingArlinton,MA -DVPs (Digital Voice Processors)
MacKinlay AntennasLucan (London Area) Ontario, Canada Vhf/uhf antennas
Maxon Electronics Co., Ltd.Seoul, Korea -VHF/UHF transceivers
MFJ Enterprises- Inc.Starkville, MS -Amateur Radio products.
Mini-Star Electronics Mini-Beams for 10 and 11 meters.
Mirage Communications EquipmentStarkville, MS -VHF & UHF amplifiers and accessories.
MoTronEugene, OR -Transmitter FingerPrinting System
MugablesMail order. Amateur radio related coffee mugs.
Multiplier IndustriesMt. Kisco, NY -Batteries
muTekLong Eaton, Nottingham, U.K -Transverters, Linear Power Amplifiers, Low Noise Preamplifiers, Replacement Front End Boards, Ancillary Products
NCG - Comet AntennaAnaheim, CA -Antennas
NCJNational Contest Journal magazine.
Nemal ElectronicsNorth Miami, FL -Cables & connectors.
OptoelectronicsFort Lauderdale, FL -Handheld and bench instruments that are used extensively in the areas of electronics test, two way radio, amateur radio, communications, monitoring, security, counter surveillance, and law enforcement.
Outbacker-Terlin AntennasWilleton, Western Australia -Antennas
P.C. ElectronicsArcadia CA -Amateur Television Equipment
PacCommTampa, FL -Packet Radio Systems
Pacific-Sierra Research CorporationSanta Monica, CA -Amateur radio software.
Parabolic ABKungsbacka, Sweden -Transverter systems.
PerConBemus Point, NY -CDROM products, specializing in FCC and FAA data.
PeriphexHolbrook, MA -Batteries
Personal Database ApplicationsAuburn, GA -Amateur Radio Software.
PervisellHigh Wycombe, Bucks, England -Transmit and Receive Demodulators (POCSAG)
Peter W. Dahl Co.El Paso, Tx -Transformers, DC Filter Chokes, Rectifiers, Capacitors and other components.
PicConOrange, CA -Hidden Radio Transmitter Controller
PolyPhaser CorporationMinden, NV -Lightning/EMP Protection products
Positive Time SystemsRemote Radio & Power Controller.
Premier CommunicationsWalnut, CA -ADI Radios, Premier (Anli) antennas, Speaker/Mics., Power station.
Prosoft PlusSoftware, Timewave, GOLIST, Quality amateur radio supplies...William J. Borgman
QRO TechnologiesBryan, OH -HF Amplifiers
QRZ Radio Callsign Lookup* Arizona -CD-ROM callsign database.
QSLs by W4MPYMonetta, SC -QSL cards.
QuanticsNevada City, Ca -Digital Signal Processors
Quantum Instruments Inc.Garden City, NY -Batterie
R. Myers CommunicationsFountain Hills, AZ -Gladiator Verticals and Dealer for OSCAR Satellite Products
R.L. DrakeMiamisburg, OH -Electronic communications equipment.
Radio Adventures Corp.Franklin, PA -Specialized ham radio items crafted for home builders and experimenters.
Radio BookstoreRindge, NH -Books for Amateur Radio, SWL
Radio Control Systems Inc.San Diego, CA -Computer-scanner interfaces.
RadioShackFt. Worth, TX -Transceivers -Accessories, Electronic parts
Raibeam AntennasGlendale, AZ -High performance beam antennas for Amateur Radio.
RF ConceptsLawrence, KS -RF amplifiers
RptrLinkInternet Phone - Repeater Link (Shareware)
RST EngineeringGrass Valley, CA -Amateur radio and Avionics electronics kits.
S-COM IndustriesLoveland, CO -Amateur and Commercial Repeater Controllers.
Sankosha U.S.A.Surge arrester manufacture and grounding componet manufacture
Scala Electronic CorporationMedford, OR -Antenna Systems
SGC TransceiversBellevue, WA Transceivers
Shoestring AntennasKeyport, WA -Antennas
Signal OneScottsdale, AZ -Communications equipment manufacturing company.
Sommer AntennasGeneva, FL -Antennas
Special Communications SystemsHanau, Germany Digital communications products.
SpectrumBen Lomond, CA -Handheld repeater controller.
Standard Amateur Radio ProductsNiles, IL -Amateur Radio Equipment.
Super-Duper (SD)Dublin, Ireland Amateur Radio Contest Logging Software.
SUPERCIRCUITSLeander, TX -World's Smallest Video Cameras, Transmitters and Recorders
Svetlana ProductsHuntsville, AL -Vacuum tubes.
SwisslogSwitzerland -Contest logging software.
Telewave, Inc.Mountainview, CA -Receiver Multicouplers, Filters and Cavities, Test Equipment, Duplexers, and Antennas.
TEN-TECSevierville, TN -Amateur radio transceivers, kits, and amplifiers.
Terrestrial Power SystemsBrielle, NJ -Specialized 1296 Mhz Equipment
The RADIO WORKSPortsmouth, VA -Wire antennas, Current-type Baluns, Line Isolators, quality wire antenna parts and accessories.
The Vibroplex Co.- Inc.Mobile, AL -CW Keys
Tiare PublicationsLake Geneva, WI -Books on amateur radio (license study guides, QRP operating, CW, net directories, contesting, antennas)
TigertronicsGrants Pass, OR -Packet modems.
Timewave TechnologySt. Paul, MN -Digital Signal Processing (DSP) automatic noise reduction filters for data and voice, DSP modems for radio applications.
TitanexManufacturer of antennas from titanium-aluminum alloy
Top Ten DevicesAmateur radio band data decoders and antenna switching systems.
TR Contest Logging ProgramAustin, TX -Contest Logging Program
Tritech Technologies* Leyland, Lancs, UK -Hamcomm Decoder Interface, With one of these, your PC and the relevant software you can decode POCSAG (Pager signals), RTTY, SITOR etc.
TuccommTucson, AZ -Slow Scan TV Interface
Vectronics- Inc.Starkville, MS -Antenna tuners, dummy loads, filters, keyers, wattmeters.
W & W AssociatesHicksville, NY -Batteries
W9XT Contest CardSlinger, WI -Contesting Accessories
Webkin GROL Study Guide SoftwareGeneral, Advanced, and Extra question pool and General Radiotelephone Operator License.
Whiterook Products Ventura, CA -Portable Pocket Mini-Keys, Mini Paddles, Keyers, QRP accessories, high accuracy six digit LED clocks, illuminated callsign on air signs, callsign clocks, Ham Radio T-shirts, and unique electronic kits. John Roblin WA6KYO
Wilderness RadioLos Altos, CA -QRP kits and accessories.
WiNRADiOSt. Kilda VIC 3182, Australia -Radio Communications Receiver for the PC.
WX9X QSLsValparaiso, IN -QSL cards.
XMIT IDColumbus, OH -Transmitter identification software.
XMLogColumbus, OH -Freeware Amateur Radio Logbook System for Windows
YaesuCerritos, CA -Amateur radio equipment.
Yaesu JapanTokyo, Japan -Amateur radio equipment.
ZJ ElectronicsSyracuse, NY -Low band antenna products.

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