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Local amateur coordinators and repeater data availability
We have been asked many, many times how we get our repeater data why we dont get the infomation from the local coordinators.

We have been publishing the repeater mapbook for over 15 years and it has always been a fight to get the data. Many Coordinators provide the data for free to any amateur who asked for it. HOWEVER.....

Some local coordinators fee they OWN the data and will only provide it at a fee to anyone who asks. Not a fee to cover the cost of the paper and ink, a fee for themselves.

We provide the data for fee on this web site. ALL THE DATA. Just enter the URL and here it is. All the repeater for each State. We do charge a membership fee, if you want some of the programming features we have created to add maps and group the data by your choices, etc.

Below is an example of an email I wrote to a local coordinator and their response. I have removed the identifying information so no one can blame anyone:

Jan 10, 2010
I am the webmaster for
I am looking for help from a local coordinator to keep the database up to date.
Are you interested in talking to match up our databases?

Please let me know.
73 Bill ;)

Jan 17, 2010
Clearly this information is worth money. The ARRL pays us to provide this information to them.

Just how much is ARTSI offering?

jan 17, 2010
I provide the repeater information FREE of charge at
You are managing the local repeater coordination for our hobby.
I don't think you have any ownership of the public data.
If you want a fee to cover the reproduction cost. OK.
What other claim on the data do you have?

I and my members await your response.

73 Bill ;)

Still Awaiting feedback:
April 15,2024
Since the above exchange we have 6,206 ham submitting information for over 19,168 repeaters!!
Thank you for all your support of our Hobby!

73 Bill N6MQS :)


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